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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1989-03-20  |  530KB  |  639x825  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: book | bulletin board | crt screen | earth | monitor | reckoner | sky
OCR: Macintosh II Two-Page Monochrome Video Card and Expansion Kit Product Details Software selectable The ability to set two-level Optional -bir upgrade display modes display ensures tha monochro The Macintosh 11 Using the Control Panel desk matic Macintosh applications car Monochrome Video Card has a accessory you can set the operate quickly as possible display capability 2bits per Macintosh II Two-Page Mono- pixel Upgrading gthis toa 4-bit-per chrome Video Card to display pixel display with the Video Card 2 bits per pixel This provides Expansion Kit lets you view up to respectively, 2 or 4 gray levels on 16 gray level on your monitor's the Apple Two-Page Monochroe screen simultaneously The Monitor upgrade consists of eight video RAM chips which fit into sockets on the Macintosh II Two-Page M ...